Figures for the first eleven months of last year demonstrate that while Russia has increased the extent of its seafood exports to the Chinese market by 102%, the value of those exports shows an increase of 38%, as 1,100,000 tonnes of seafood worth an estimated $2 billion were shipped to China between January and November.
The increase isn’t a one-way affair, as Russia’s seafood imports from China have also increased 6% to 52,000 tonnes over the same period, as squid, tuna, canned products, crustaceans and shrimp worth $286 million made their way to consumers in Russia.
Russian producers exported just over half a million tonnes of frozen pollock to China between January and November, as well as 213,000 tonnes of small pelagics, 111,000 tonnes of frozen herring, 62,000 tonnes of fishmeal and 29,000 tonnes of frozen cod.
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